This was another incomplete craft from years ago. I had attempted to makeover this jewelry box. It used to have some needlepoint on the top. I can’t remember if it was gone or if I removed it. Either way, I painted it black and then stopped. (I am really good at doing a project up to 75 or 90 percent completion and then abandoning it.)
It was sitting on my work bench all dusty and gross when I decided I should just finish it. I had some leftover paint chip circles sitting there as well, so the two kind of matched themselves.
This was a super quickie project to use up leftovers, and I’ll probably use it for craft storage, so I wasn’t interested in spending a lot of time to make it look perfect. I glued the circles down with Elmer’s Glue All, then once they were dry, covered them in Mod Podge.
The inside wasn’t exactly smooth or pretty, so I Mod Podged some scraps of pretty wrapping paper (leftover from our wedding invitations three and a half years ago!).
Normally, I’m not a fan of the distressed look, but the box was kind of dinged up, so I lightly sanded the surfaces just to knock off the shine.
Awesome! Now we can move onto the projects that have been unfinished for just a short time.