Hooray! The walls are white and the floors bare.
I opted to leave the oak paneling on the walls. I didn’t see the point in ripping it down, sending it to the landfill and replacing it with ultra-smooth drywall. Almost all the walls in our house are textured, so the paneling fits right in.

Besides, there’s something quite nice about wood panelling painted white. It’s charming, cottagey and in an attic space, it looks airy and lofty.

I spent a few hours painting, and my dad ripped up the blue shag this past weekend. There’s a lot yet to do, but already this room feels like a totally different space.

Whoever painted the baseboards (before we lived here) painted around the blue carpet, so they need to be sanded and re-painted. The rest of the trim needs painting too; the closet doors are slightly yellowed and the paint job on the window trim is pretty transparent.

I want to finish the painting 100 percent before I start on the carpet, so it might be a while. But it’s going to look good!

I don’t think anyone is missing the blue carpet. Well, maybe someone.