I thought I would take a brief pause from the parade of party posts to show you something completely unreleated. I’ve mentioned before that our backyard is/was a total fixer upper. I’ve shown you what I’ve been doing on the right side of the yard, but so far I’ve ignored showing you the left side. I can only tackle so much at once and I’m guessing most of you are only interested in landscaping in small doses.
Anyway, I wanted to give you a peak at this tenacious red bud tree in our backyard. I am not sure how it is still standing because the trunk is completely hollow and eaten away. I don’t remember it being this way last fall. Just what my backyard needs — more projects.
Can I kick it? Please?
Not unless you are going to clean it up too.
(p.s. I think this might be an impostor Paul Bunyan since he didn’t spell his own name correctly.)