When we removed the old wire fence at the back of our lot, most all of the fence posts were simply falling out of the ground. But the last one wouldn’t budge at all, so it was easiest just to leave it standing.
Sure, we could have probably chopped it down at the base, rather than pulling it out entirely, but it it wasn’t hurting anyone. And me being me, I thought I could turn it into sculpture. Don’t make fun!
But it was looking just a little lonely, so I took my found cast iron pipe and “planted” that next to the fence post.
But my plan all along was to use these two as canvasses to bring in more color into the backyard, so I painted them with some acrylic paint. I’m going to let them weather naturally, so I didn’t seal them or anything.
Elise likes to count the stripes. (Then again, Elise likes to count pretty much everything, including nothing).
They look isolated now, but they might make more sense as I add more spots of color throughout the yard in the future.
I adore it. I love the colors. So inspirational.
Thanks, Katie! I have a hard time NOT painting things… you probably do too!