I am taking at least one photo every day for the entire year of 2011, and I will be sharing them here a week’s worth at a time.
July 16 – 22, 2011
Please vote for your favorite at the bottom of the post. The poll will be open until August 1. (And if you missed voting in last week’s, that poll is still open until midnight tonight.)
July 16
July 17
July 18
July 19
July 20
July 21
July 22
Which photo is your favorite?
(Voting is completely anonymous.)
Wait? Did you drive to IKEA for the day?!?
We did. Is that crazy? Dan took the day off work and all three of us went. Part to get some stuff, but also just to have a bit of a day trip. I don’t have it in me to take another overnight trip with Elise right now. She’s great in the car. Not so much sleeping in a hotel room.
I’m jealous for two reasons. First, IKEA. Second, Henry is BEAR in the car and after our last trip to Chicago, it will be a long, long time before I take another road trip with him. Hope you got some good stuff–although I’m sure you did!