I’m kind of enamored with hiding things in our house for future homeowners to find. Maybe it’s because I would love to find things someone else hid long ago.
With the upper stairway walls open, I took the opportunity to stash another piece (the first being under our front porch steps).
I printed a recent photo of our house on cardstock, then slipped it behind a piece of drywall before the piece beside it went up.
Who knows if anyone will ever find it (or if I will be the one to find it), but it’s fun to think about either way!
See more things I’ve hidden in our house >>
Years ago, a friend and I used to sneak AOL CD’s into each others’ aprtments. (back when every newspaper, every mailbox, every magazine had the things tucked inside)
Then, I bought a place that was being renovated, in the same building where he already lived. He had the workmen seal up some AOL disks inside my walls – and afterwards, told me they were there, but not which rooms they were in; I didn’t learn the exact locations until I moved out.
Well done.
That’s funny. Being the hoarder that I am, I think I still have a couple of those tins that the AOL discs came in.