It’s been two months since my last thrifting trip, but honestly, we’ve been so busy, I hardly noticed.
I finally made it back to the Goodwill Outlet for a whirlwind 45-minute trip with my brother in tow. I know 45 minutes in a thrift store doesn’t exactly sound whirlwind, but this place is so big with so much to look at, it’s pretty hard to get out of there in under an hour.
I got everything you see here for just $5.05!
I’ve never met a house-shaped shelf I didn’t like. And I might need to take a trip to frame-aholics anonymous. I just can’t pass them up for so cheap! They will all find a use someday. I like having a stash to dip into.
The gold oval frame is probably my favorite find. It’s wooden, so I may try to strip it at some point in the future. You know, when I can safely breathe stinky stuff again.
p.s. The next day, I stopped by a small church rummage sale. It turned out to be a bust, and the prices seemed crazy to me. Three bucks for a 5×7 picture frame? The cheapo Goodwill Outlet has warped my mental pricing structure.