On the hunt for carpet tiles for the basement office, I made a trip out to Hood’s, a local home improvement outlet store. They have a huge 99-cent carpet tile section with pallettes full of Mohawk and Interface carpet tiles. The only trouble is, you have to sift through to find ones that match and finding enough to cover a whole floor can be challenging.
A really nice man who worked there helped me find enough of one style and just as we found the last little bunch, I realized we had been collecting two slightly different designs. Same colors, same general pattern, but one had the floral pattern I was after and the other had leaves. I had spent nearly an hour sorting through tiles, so I figured, for a dollar a tile, close enough. I’ll figure it out in the basement.
The stack of floral carpet tiles was sitting there and I had a thought… “I wonder if these would work for the hallway?”
I quickly layed the tiles over the carpet in the hallway, just to get an approximation of what it might look like (and to check if I had enough). Good on both accounts!
We were planning on replacing the hallway carpet with carpet tiles from FLOR (the fancy designer division of Interface, the same brand as the tiles from Hood’s), and I had even ordered samples. The total cost for the number of tiles we need for the hallway added up to more than $250. The cost for the 18 floral tiles from Hood’s, $18 — nearly 14 times less than tiles from FLOR.